CodeIgniter pagination configuration file seems pointless

In the CodeIgniter documentation:

Simply create a new file called `pagination.php`, add the `$config` array in that file. Then save the file in `application/config/pagination.php` and it will be used automatically. You will NOT need to use `$this->pagination->initialize()` if you save your preferences in a config file.

However, one of the pagination configurations is the `base_url`, which presumably is going to be unique in every instance of pagination. For instance, if you use pagination for a controller function named `yesterday` your `base_url` might be something like `/news/yesterday/pages/`. Then for a controller function named `today`, your `base_url` might be `/news/today/pages/`. Given this scenario, you’ll need settings common for both instances stored in your `pagination.php` file and unique settings declared at the time you create the pagination links.

Consider this code:

$config['base_url'] = '/news/yesterday/pages/';   // <- unique to this instance
$config['uri_segment'] = 4;   // <- depends on above setting

$data['pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links();

In older versions of CodeIgniter, this code worked in conjunction with a `pagination.php` config file. However, after upgrading my project to version 3.1.0, I discovered the styling of my pagination links were totally broken. The settings contained within `pagination.php` were suddenly being ignored. Apparently the `initialize()` function is resetting pagination to its defaults, disregarding the `pagination.php` file entirely, and only using the `$config` settings array passed into it.

I no longer see the use of having a `pagination.php` file for common settings. If one of the core principals of CodeIgniter is DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself), then `pagination.php` has been rendered useless in this regard. You’re going to have both common configuration settings for all pagination instances in your project along with settings that are unique to each instance. If having unique settings for multiple instances precludes being able to use `pagination.php`, then its own purpose is already defeated. In order to use `pagination.php`, every instance of pagination would need an identical URL structure, which makes it impossible to use on more than one Controller function.

Consider two scenarios that illustrate the issue:

1. Do not use `pagination.php` file – Declare all settings for each instance of pagination by constructing the `$config` array in every Controller function. Settings common to all instances of pagination will need to be repeated for each instance of pagination throughout your Controller functions. Does not adhere to DRY principles. Not ideal.

2. Use `pagination.php` file – All pagination settings are contained in a central location adhering to DRY principles. However, since `base_url` is also a pagination setting, you’ll be forced to use the same Base URL for all instances of pagination. Impossible.


1. Copy your common pagination settings into your custom configuration file contained within `application/config/` directory. If you don’t already have a custom configuration file, create and auto-load it. Assign the array to a single configuration item named `pagination`:

// pagination
$config['pagination']	= [
    'attributes'            => array('class' => 'page'),
    'full_tag_open'         => '<p class="pagination">',
    'full_tag_close'        => '</p>',
    'cur_tag_open'          => '&nbsp;<span class="page page-current">',
    'cur_tag_close'         => '</span>',
    'first_link'            => '&laquo;',
    'last_link'             => '&raquo;',
    'next_link'             => '&rsaquo;',
    'prev_link'             => '&lsaquo;',
    'num_links'             => 6,
    'use_page_numbers'      => TRUE,
    'per_page'              => 16,	// number of items per page

2. Access these common settings within your Controller by calling your new custom configuration item. Use a `foreach` to loop through the `pagination` settings array:

foreach ($this->config->item('pagination') as $key => $value)
    $config[$key] = $value;
$config['base_url'] = '/news/yesterday/pages/';   // <- unique to this instance
$config['uri_segment'] = 4;   // <- depends on above setting

$data['pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links();

One advantage of this method is that you can individually over-ride any specific setting by simply assigning it to the `$config` array anytime after your `foreach` loop.

foreach ($this->config->item('pagination') as $key => $value)
    $config[$key] = $value;
$config['first_link'] = '&larr;'; // <- overrides your custom setting
$config['base_url'] = '/news/yesterday/pages/';   // <- unique to this instance
$config['uri_segment'] = 4;   // <- depends on above setting

3. Delete the seemingly useless `pagination.php` file!

How to handle an expired CSRF token after a page is left open

I’m using CodeIgniter 2 along with the Ion Auth authorization system by Ben Edmunds.

After creating my project, I would sometimes get a CodeIgniter error upon certain login attempts but this error was intermittent.

The action you have requested is not allowed.

After some troubleshooting, it became apparent this error was caused by an invalid CSRF token. Why is the token invalid? Well, in CodeIgniter’s configuration file, it’s set to expire in 4 hours. So if you load your login page and allow it to sit there for 4 hours before attempting a login, the CSRF tokens will expire and this will generate the error message as above. Simply reloading the login page avoids any issues.

You can verify this error message for yourself by deleting the CSRF cookie after you load the login page.

A cleaner solution would be to redirect to a custom error page or to display a flash message. However, this solution is not as simple as it sounds because when you extend the CodeIgniter Security class, certain hook-points are not available and you cannot yet access CodeIgniter’s Super Object using `get_instance()`.

So when you extend the Security class, you’re limited to standard PHP. In this case, I’m using PHP `header()` to redirect the offending login page (or any form page) back to itself.

class MY_Security extends CI_Security {

    public function __construct()

    public function csrf_show_error()
        // show_error('The action you have requested is not allowed.');  // default code

        // force page "refresh" - redirect back to itself with sanitized URI for security
        // a page refresh restores the CSRF cookie to allow a subsequent login
        header('Location: ' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), TRUE, 200);

This works fine except that the user gets a screen refresh without any indication why they have to enter their login credentials a seconds time.

I decided to make this a bit more user-friendly by adding another function into a Controller, in my case, the Ion Auth controller…

function csrf_redirect()
    $flash = 'Session cookie automatically reset due to expired browser session.&nbsp; Please try again.';
    $this->session->set_flashdata('message', $flash);
    redirect('/login', 'location');

As you can see, this function sets a flash message telling the user what happened and then redirects them to a fresh instance of the login page.

Session cookie automatically reset due to expired browser session. Please try again.

Instead of using PHP `header()` to redirect a page refresh, redirect to this new Ion Auth controller function at `/auth/csrf_redirect`.

class MY_Security extends CI_Security {

    public function __construct()

    public function csrf_show_error()
        // show_error('The action you have requested is not allowed.');  // default code

        // force redirect to the csrf_redirect function
        // this gives the user a useful message instructing them to login again
        // while the CSRF cookie is also refreshed to allow a new login
        header('Location: /auth/csrf_redirect', TRUE, 302);

The minor downside to this method is that you are always redirected back to the login page rather than a refresh of whatever page/form you’re trying to submit. However, that should be a moot point, since the session cookie expires at nearly the same time as the CSRF cookie, you’d be redirected back to the same login page regardless. You may also not be requiring the user be logged in for your particular form, so please be aware and re-direct accordingly.

Extending the CodeIgniter Database Utility Class

You’d like to take advantage of CodeIgniter’s built-in database backup function as described here…

As you can see, only the `mysql` PHP database extension is supported. However, since the `mysql` PHP database extension has been deprecated, maybe you’re using another PHP database extension like `mysqli` instead. Now the problem is that you can no longer use CodeIgniter’s built-in database backup function without getting this error…

Unsupported feature of the database platform you are using.

The error simply means that if you use any PHP database extension besides `mysql`, there is no function included within any of CodeIgniter’s database drivers’ utility file for doing the backup.

No problem, we’ll just “extend” CodeIgniter’s database class.

Wrong! As per documentation,

Note: The Database classes can not be extended or replaced with your own classes.

Despite this limitation, there is a workaround below that will not involve editing CodeIgniter’s core system files.

Instead, we’ll simply “extend” CodeIgniter’s Loader class. Within this custom Loader, we’ll only copy and slightly modify the `dbutil()` function. Study the function below and compare it to the original. I simply check for the existence of my custom utility driver file and load it in place of the default.

`application/core/MY_Loader.php` contains…

<?php class MY_Loader extends CI_Loader {

    public function dbutil()
        // this function taken from CI v2.2.0
        // system/core/Loader.php
        // modified as indicated below

        if (! class_exists('CI_DB'))

        $CI =& get_instance();

        // for backwards compatibility, load dbforge so we can extend dbutils off it
        // this use is deprecated and strongly discouraged

        require_once(BASEPATH . 'database/DB_utility.php');

        // START custom >>

        // path of default db utility file
        $default_utility = BASEPATH . 'database/drivers/' . $CI->db->dbdriver . '/' . $CI->db->dbdriver . '_utility.php';

        // path of my custom db utility file
        $my_utility = APPPATH . 'libraries/MY_DB_' . $CI->db->dbdriver . '_utility.php';

        // set custom db utility file if it exists
        if (file_exists($my_utility))
            $utility = $my_utility;
            $extend = 'MY_DB_';
            $utility = $default_utility;
            $extend = 'CI_DB_';

        // load db utility file

        // set the class
        $class = $extend . $CI->db->dbdriver . '_utility';

        // << END custom

        $CI->dbutil = new $class();



Now we need to find the database driver that we’re using. For `mysqli`, it should be located within `system/database/drivers/mysqli/mysqli_utility.php`. This file contains the `_backup()` function and you can see that it’s empty (“unsupported”).

Create an exact duplicate of this file; rename it `MY_DB_mysqli_utility.php` and place it here…


Everything within this file should remain the same as the original, except for the name of the `class` and the contents of the `_backup()` function…

    class MY_DB_mysqli_utility extends CI_DB_utility {
    // this code taken from CI v2.2.0
    // system/database/drivers/mysqli/mysqli_utility.php

    // everything in here is same as default mysqli_utility
    // EXCEPT the _backup() function contains my own code

    function _backup($params = array())
        //  my custom working backup code

NOW you can put whatever code you see fit into this version of the `_backup()` function. I’m not going to tell you how to do this, but you could look inside of `system/database/drivers/mysql/mysql_utility.php` for some inspiration. You could also try the backup function suggested in this posting, which seems to be working.

The advantages to my technique are as follows…

– Updating the CodeIgniter system files leaves this solution intact.
– Changing the `dbdriver` setting in `config/database.php` will simply cause a fallback to the selected database utility driver. This solution is specific to one particular database driver (`mysqli`).
– Removing the `MY_Loader.php` file causes a fallback to the default database utility driver.
– Removing the `MY_DB_mysqli_utility.php` file causes a fallback to the default database utility driver.
– Update any other database utility driver by changing `mysqli` where-ever appropriate.

Note: This solution was successfully performed using CodeIgniter v2.2.0.

When CodeIgniter’s CSRF Protection breaks your Ajax

CSRF stands for “Cross Site Request Forgery” and if you’re using forms on your site, you’ll probably want to protect yourself and users against this kind of attack.

You just finished your latest PHP project using the CodeIgniter framework and decide to enable the CSRF protection option in your `config.php` file.

$config['csrf_protection']  = TRUE;  // <- set to TRUE
$config['csrf_token_name']  = 'csrf_token';   // <- name this whatever
$config['csrf_cookie_name'] = 'csrf_cookie';  // <- name this whatever
$config['csrf_expire'] = 7200;  // <- default is two hours

Enabling it within `config.php` is not enough. You also need to use the form helper `form_open()` function to construct the form's HTML markup. This function constructs the form so that it contains a `<input type="hidden">` element containing the CSRF token value. If the submitted form data is missing this token, it will not submit.

Now CSRF is working but you discover that your jQuery ajax requests are all suddenly failing with a type 500 server error. This is a direct result of activating the CSRF Protection option in CodeIgniter. As just explained, the submitted form data must contain the CSRF token, but it's missing from your ajax requests.

The solution is simple. You need to make sure that your ajax requests simulate a regular form submission by including the CSRF token value within the submitted data.

There are two types of solutions:

Solution #1:

This only works if your ajax requests occur when a form is already constructed on the page, such as when doing remote validation to check to see if a password or username already exists.

You'll need to copy the value from the hidden field called `csrf_token` (the name is exactly as per your `$config['csrf_token_name']` option setting) and send this along with your ajax request.

var csrf = $('input[name="csrf_token"]').val();  // <- get token value from hidden form input

    // your other ajax options,
    data: {  // submit token value with YOUR token name
        csrf_token: csrf

Solution #2:

This works for all ajax requests, even when you do not have a form on the page, such as remotely loading some content.

In this case, you can't get the CSRF token from a hidden field, since there is no form. You must retrieve it from the CSRF cookie. I'm using a jQuery cookie plugin.

var csrf = $.cookie('csrf_cookie');  // <- get token value from cookie

    // your other ajax options,
    data: {  // submit token value with YOUR token name
        csrf_token: csrf

Notice how the ajax in both solutions is sending the token with the same name, that's your name as per your configuration, `csrf_token`. Only the source of the token value is different... Solution #1 gets the token value from the hidden field, where Solution #2 gets the same token value from the cookie.

You can only use Solution #1 when you have a form on the page constructed with the `form_open()` function. However, you can use Solution #2 with or without a form, in all cases.


I have CodeIgniter v2.1.4 and by default, the `$config['csrf_token_name']` option is set to `csrf_test_name`. This mismatch might get a little confusing, but you can use whatever naming convention you wish. In my solution above, I changed it to `csrf_token`.

  • To retrieve the current token from the hidden input, use the name assigned to the `$config['csrf_token_name']` option.
  • To retrieve the current token from the cookie, use the name assigned to the `$config['csrf_cookie_name']` option.

No matter how you retrieve the token value, the important thing to remember is to always send the token value along with whatever name you've assigned to the `$config['csrf_token_name']` option.